Swipe To iMessage or SMS - Tap to Call & Facetime - By ReachFast Contacts App Reviews

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Awesome! Way better than default contacts app.

Fast and efficient

This app performs as described. Im on the phone all day calling for my business. This app makes things very fast and simple. Excellent!

The game

It is not the best . Just saying

Good all around

The app is decent


The best


The 5th star when will be added possibility to manage group, and it will substitute the original app!

Cant get through the demo

Plz fix!!

Thank you

This app keeps on getting better, it is on my iphone dock hi5

Excellent upgrade!!

Best phone app in the store

Great App

With addition of a dialer, this has become one of my most favorite apps!

Working Great!

Very satisfied customer. Just moved my phone app to a unused app folder and Reach Fast is in my dock now. Keep up the good work.

Smart app

Once you use it couple of times and get to know how it works it becomes a very nice and time savings tool. Good work!! And thanks for this smart app.


Very swift little app. You can tell some effort went into its design. I like the addition of face time dialing and also default country for new contacts added. Along those lines I would like to see an option in "add contact" to select which group it is added to as well. Thanks for this wonderful app either way!

Annoying alert

Periodically the app raises an alert badge on its icon for no apparent reason. I check but there is nothing new. For the false alerts I give it a bad review and will soon delete it.

Reach review

A real time saver, love it. One touch and youre where you want to be.

Not suitable yet for Asian users

1. The order of first names and last names issue. 2. In New Contact, keyboard language of names cannot be switched. English only. 3. Duplicate data(phone numbers, emails) if multiple sources are set in default Contact.app. 4. Some numbers from Facebook cannot be deleted.

Great but comes with a bug

I find the app really fast and practical but I would have given a 5 stars if it werent for the bug not letting me favorite my moms contact, or maybe theyre trying to tell me something?

False alerts

Too many false and totally useless alerts and notifications. Was useful at first but now this app is worse than my neighbors dog; always barking for no apparent reasons


Often seems out of whack. Alphabetizing is off. Maybe its me, but I dont think so.

Could be good, but needs some work

This needs some fixes. First, it is difficult to hit the star to assign a favorite without hitting the index and jumping to another place in the app. This was extremely frustrating when setting it up. It is also very easy to call someone accidentally when just trying to swipe through the contacts. That happened numerous times when trying to set up, too. There are two must fix problems with Favorites. One is that it doesnt carry through the title of the phone number such as "home" or "work". It just brings the phone numbers you choose in the order you choose them. Why do you have to add them individually and why cant they all be brought in a consistent order? They also must be labeled. The second problem is that the Favorites are not shown in alphabetically order. They show in the order you chose them with the most recent at the top. They should be put in alphabetical order or give the user the ability to put them in whatever order you want. When I brought in my contacts, there were also some duplications, but that may not be the apps fault. I dont know for sure. I dont think this gives much value unless these issues are resolved.

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